Module stark::sail::core [−][src]
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TODO: Gradual typing; more extensible type system; subtypes
SlHead | Header for all Sail objects in memory |
_SlListPtr | Pointer to the next element of a linked list; tagged with the SlHead (upper 2 unused bytes) |
BaseSize | All type sizes that may be specified in the head |
Cfg | Contains all valid values for the high six bits of an SlHead |
CoreType | Core types that must be known in order to assemble the runtime |
SymbolMode | The four “modes” a symbol can have |
HEAD_LEN | Head includes pointer to next list element |
NUM_8_LEN | |
NUM_16_LEN | |
NUM_32_LEN | |
NUM_64_LEN | |
NUM_128_LEN | |
_MIN_HEAD | ALL Sail objects that may be independently referenced, begin with bytes of this format |
SizedBase | Trait for base types that are always the same size |
basic_sym_p | Checks whether a Sail object is a basic symbol |
bool_get | |
bool_init | |
bool_make | |
bool_set | |
core_cons_copy | Copies the values from a pair of Sail objects of core types into a two element list structure |
core_copy_val | Copies the value from a Sail object of a core type into a newly allocated object |
core_eq | Returns true if both arguments’ values are equal |
core_hash | Computes a hash value for the provided object |
core_read_field | Read from a field of a Sail object of a core type |
core_size | Returns the size of an object, which must be of a core type |
core_type | Returns None if the object is not of a core type, or its type if it is |
core_write_field | Write to a field of a Sail object of a core type |
demodes_sym | Returns a symbol set to the default, basic mode |
env_arg_layer_get | Gets an object from the given argument layer by index |
env_arg_layer_ins | Inserts the given object into the given argument layer using the given symbol’s ID |
env_create | Creates an environment, which is a list of maps that should function as a LIFO stack |
env_layer_ins_by_id | Inserts a symbol with the given ID into the environment, referring
to the |
env_layer_ins_entry | Inserts the given symbol into the environment, referring to the
env_layer_mut_by_id | Changes the object pointed to by the given ID in the environment, if the entry already exists |
env_layer_mut_entry | Changes the object pointed to by the given symbol’s ID in the environment, if the entry already exists |
env_lookup | Looks up the given symbol in the given environment, returning the object it refers to |
env_lookup_by_id | Looks up the given symbol ID in the given environment, returning the object it refers to |
env_lookup_entry | Looks up the given symbol ID in the given environment, returning the entry it refers to (symbol and object) |
env_new_arg_layer | Creates a new association list based environment layer; this is meant for storing arguments to Sail procedures |
env_new_layer | Creates a new hashmap based environment layer |
f32_get | |
f32_init | |
f32_make | |
f32_set | |
f64_get | |
f64_init | |
f64_make | |
f64_set | |
get_base_size | Gets the base size of a Sail object |
get_base_spec | Gets base type specifier from a Sail object (its meaning differs with size) |
get_cfg_all | Gets the full configuration byte from a Sail object |
get_cfg_spec | Gets the size / type configuration from a Sail object |
get_next_list_elt | Gets the pointer to the next element from a list element |
hash_map_insert | |
hashvec_get_size | |
hashvec_make | |
i8_get | |
i8_init | |
i8_make | |
i8_set | |
i16_get | |
i16_init | |
i16_make | |
i16_set | |
i32_get | |
i32_init | |
i32_make | |
i32_set | |
i64_get | |
i64_init | |
i64_make | |
i64_set | |
i128_get | |
i128_init | |
i128_make | |
i128_set | |
id | Returns true if both arguments are the same Sail object |
mode_of_sym | Get the mode of a symbol |
modeize_sym | Set a symbol to one of the four symbol modes |
nil | Creates a nil Sail object |
nil_p | Checks whether a pointer, ostensibly to a Sail object, is null |
nnil_ref_p | Checks whether a Sail object is a reference to another non-nil object |
pred_type_p | Checks whether a valid Sail object has a type specifier with a predicate |
prep_environment | Prepares a complete Sail runtime environment, including symbol table and env |
proc_get_argct | |
proc_lambda_get_arg | |
proc_lambda_get_arg_id | |
proc_lambda_get_body | |
proc_lambda_make | |
proc_lambda_set_arg | |
proc_lambda_set_body | |
proc_lambda_size | Gives the overall size of a lambda procedure by argument count |
proc_native_get_body | |
proc_native_make | |
proc_native_set_body | |
proc_native_size | Gives the overall size of a native procedure |
proc_p | Checks whether a Sail object is an executable procedure |
read_field_atomic_unchecked⚠ | Read from a field of a Sail object atomically without any checks |
read_field_unchecked⚠ | Read from a field of a Sail object without any checks |
ref_empty_p | |
ref_get | |
ref_init | |
ref_make | |
ref_set | |
self_type_p | Checks whether a valid Sail object has a type specifier for itself alone |
set_next_list_elt | Set the pointer to a list element’s next element |
set_next_list_elt_cmpxcg | Set the pointer to a list element’s next element only if the
current pointer is equivalent to |
stdvec_get_cap | |
stdvec_get_len | |
stdvec_idx | |
stdvec_init | |
stdvec_make | |
stdvec_push | |
stdvec_set_len | |
str_hash | Provides a simple hash function for string slices |
string_get | |
string_get_cap | |
string_get_len | |
string_init | |
string_make | |
string_set | |
string_set_len | |
sym_get_id | |
sym_init | |
sym_make | |
sym_set_id | |
sym_tab_create | Creates a symbol table, which maps symbol strings to symbol IDs and vice versa |
sym_tab_get_id | Returns a unique ID for any symbol string; inserts symbol into the table if not already present |
sym_tab_insert | Takes the symbol table and a string object to insert, returning the symbol’s unique ID |
sym_tab_lookup_by_id | Retrieves and returns the string representation of the given symbol |
sym_tab_lookup_by_str | Retrieves and returns the symbol referring to the given string |
sym_tab_lookup_id_num | Retrieves and returns the string representation corresponding to the given symbol ID |
temp_base_sized_p | Identifies whether a given type ID refers to a base sized type |
temp_get_size | Gives the size of a limited range of types (base sized) by type ID |
temp_init_from | Initializes a Sail object from a base sized type and a pointer |
truthy | Returns the truthiness of a valid Sail object |
u8_get | |
u8_init | |
u8_make | |
u8_set | |
u16_get | |
u16_init | |
u16_make | |
u16_set | |
u32_get | |
u32_init | |
u32_make | |
u32_set | |
u64_get | |
u64_init | |
u64_make | |
u64_set | |
u128_get | |
u128_init | |
u128_make | |
u128_set | |
value_ptr | From a valid Sail object, returns a pointer to the start of the value proper |
vec_size | Gives the overall size of a Vec with certain parameters |
write_field_atomic_unchecked⚠ | Write to a field of a Sail object atomically without any checks |
write_field_cmpxcg_unchecked⚠ | Write to a field of a Sail object only if the current value is the
same as |
write_field_unchecked⚠ | Write to a field of a Sail object without any checks |
Type Definitions
NativeFn | Signature for Sail functions implemented in Rust |